This is an extremely popular and relaxing treatment for maintaining health and well-being. The theory behind reflexology is that your feet are a mirror image of your health. The reflex points on the feet correspond to specific organs and glands in the body. These points are stimulated with finger pressure allowing the flow of energy to body parts.
Wonderfully relaxing treatment. Improves blood & lymphatic circulation. Helps with to reduce stress and anxiety. Induces sound sleep and reduces depression. Deeply calming throughout the body. Restores and balances the body energy. Highly revitalising for overworked tired feet. Extremely comforting bringing sense of peace.
Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture treatment. Three tiny points = one huge impact. Shen Men Point also known as divine gate that treats almost everything stress, anxiety, depression Inflammation. diseases etc. Point Zero Point this point not only brings the body back into balance increases energy, regulates the brain & hormones. Sympathetic Autonomic Point this is where the parasympathetic mode regenerates and heals the body.
I am a professionally trained Complementary Therapist with over 20 years of experience delivering a range of therapies. I have been lucky in my holistic journey working with many clients, patients, carers in a variety of settings Le Spa, Clarins Spa, The Marlborough Natural Health Centre, Supporting Carers in Sanford House, MND Motor Neurone Disease Association, Newbury Hospital and Sue Ryder Hospice. Therapies can impact on health the healing process by relieving symptoms, they are not just for relaxation.
-Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisation (ACHO) -International Institute of Health & Holistic Therapies (IHHT) -Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT) -Member of Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) – Ear Acupuncture (MTAT) – Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD) Practitioner