Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture treatment.
Three Tiny Points One Huge impact
Shen Men Point also known as divine gate that treats almost everything stress, anxiety, depression Inflammation. diseases etc.
Point Zero Point this point not only brings the body back into balance increases energy, regulates the brain & hormones.
Sympathetic Autonomic Point this is where the parasympathetic mode regenerates and heals the body.
Crystal therapy is an ancient healing system where selected crystals are placed on and around the body and a variety of techniques including chakra balancing.
This treatment is a gentle form of alternative healing working to harmonise the mind, body & spirit enhancing the body natural healing process.
The word Reiki translates to “Universal energy”. Reiki is a simple, yet highly-effective method of healing on a physical, mental and spiritual level in which energy flows from the practitioner’s hands into the client.
During the treatment client remains fully clothed, on the massage couch.
Treatment can also be given seated on a chair or wheelchair.
The hands are placed on or near your body in a series of hand positions.
The practitioner acts as a channel for the healing energy.